- Critical Housing Analysis (including this website and all its applications, hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘the Journal’) is an online journal administered by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (see Contact for detailed information), hereafter referred to as ‘the Publisher’.
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- Users interested in the dissemination and discussion of their ideas may submit short papers (hereinafter ‘the Work(s)’) that meet the requirements specified in the section ‘Instructions for Authors’. All Works will undergo a quick double-blind peer review by two members of the Editorial Board. Based on the reviews and the final decision of the editor-in-chief, the Work will be published or rejected (see ‘Information for Authors’ for more details). Hereafter the term ‘the Author’ refers to a User who has published at least one Work in the Journal. Each Work may have its own discussion forum where it will be discussed by the Users. The Work may be later re-published in broader form in a standard academic journal. If the Publisher or a third party deriving its authorisation from this Agreement should incur a loss or some other damage because of a legal defect of the Work, the Author shall compensate them to the full extent of the loss or damage suffered. Otherwise, all contributions will be stored in an accessible on-line archive.
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