The Recent Rise in Mid-Term Rentals in Barcelona: Causes and Implications

Recent studies identify an increase in mid-term rentals (MTR) in cities like Barcelona and relate it to the growth of temporary populations and changes in labour dynamics in the post-Covid era. By analysing MTRs registered between 2018 and 2023, this study aims to quantify changes in rents and the number of contracts of this kind in three municipalities in the Barcelona area. The results show that MTRs are concentrated in Barcelona, where their number almost tripled and the average rent grew fivefold over the period analysed. The rise started in 2022, and this coincided with when the law to regulate residential rentals in Spain was announced rather than when it came into force. The shift in properties from the residential market to the barely regulated and more profitable mid-term market, hinders access to housing for the low-income population. This problem underscores the urgent need for the regulation of MTRs.



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Orozco Martinez, C. , F. Gil-Alonso 2024. ‘The Recent Rise in Mid-Term Rentals in Barcelona: Causes and Implications.’ Critical Housing Analysis 11 (2): 148-160.