Changing Social Movements in Lisbon? Housing Financialisation and Post-pandemic Activism

During the last decade, following years of austerity and rapid growth driven by tourism, real estate, and external investment, Lisbon has become a paradigmatic case of the financialisation/crisis nexus in the housing field. The simultaneous emergence and growth of social movements for the right to housing has been widely documented, with some accounts focusing on anti-financialisation struggles. In this article, we present the repertoires and claims of four activist groups and platforms born between 2022 and 2023 and discuss how Portuguese social movements are contending with the increasing centrality of financialisation in housing. In sum, we present three broad patterns of rescaling – intersectionality, internationalisation, and relations with political parties – in relation to the general endeavour to build a mass movement.



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Mendes, L. , S. Tulumello 2024. ‘Changing Social Movements in Lisbon? Housing Financialisation and Post-pandemic Activism.’ Critical Housing Analysis 11 (1): 115-126.