All papers that meet the criteria for publication in the journal specified in the section Instructions for authors will be submitted to a quick double-blind peer review by at least two independent experts on the topic of the paper who are not in a close working, institutional or personal relationship with the author. The review process is set up to be as objective and quick as possible. The authors will be informed of the decision to publish within ten weeks of submitting the paper. If accepted, the paper will be published on the website of Critical Housing Analysis within five weeks of its acceptance, assuming formalities relating to its publication are dealt with promptly by the author.
Referees’ reports are not automatically shared with the authors; if the referees see potential in the paper and voluntarily offer comments in the review process, the editor-in-chief may inform the author of the comments in the decision letter. If both referees accept the submitted paper, it will be published after being quickly edited and once the signed licensing agreement is received from the authors. If both referees reject the submitted paper, it will be rejected for publication. If the two referees disagree, the editor-in-chief will make the final decision.
Critical Housing Analysis follows Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on appealing on the editor’s decisions and on complaints about the editorial management of the peer-review process.