Less Access and More Inequality: Evidence of and Responses to the Housing Affordability Crisis Faced by Young People in Spain’s Larger Cities

The sharp rise in rental prices in the absence of a decommodified housing sector has led to a growing mismatch between the Spanish housing system and households’ needs, especially in large cities. This article analyses the impact of recent housing market dynamics on housing access problems faced by young people in Madrid and Barcelona and the implications of Spain’s recently approved Right to Housing Law. Empirical evidence suggests that young people are increasingly facing exclusion from access to housing, as well as rising inequality in relation to the process of leaving the parental home, which varies depending on where they live. In this regard, the new Housing Law sets the course towards a more balanced and fair housing system. While it generates controversies and challenges, it also reflects the need for multifaceted and multi-scalar measures to address the current housing emergency, requiring greater cooperation between different levels of government.



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Martínez del Olmo, A. 2024. ‘Less Access and More Inequality: Evidence of and Responses to the Housing Affordability Crisis Faced by Young People in Spain’s Larger Cities.’ Critical Housing Analysis 11 (2): 229-241. https://doi.org/10.13060/23362839.2024.11.2.580