Home page / Contact


If you have questions, please contact the review editor.

Review editor

Martina Mikeszová

Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Jilska 1

110 00 Prague 1

Phone: +420 210 310 225

E-mail: martina.mikeszova[at]soc.cas.cz


Review editor

Petr Sunega

Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Jilska 1

110 00 Prague 1

Phone: +420 210 310 225

E-mail: petr.sunega[at]soc.cas.cz


Review editor

Tomá Hoření Samec

Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Jilska 1

110 00 Prague 1

Phone: +420 210 310 225

E-mail: tomas.samec[at]soc.cas.cz



Martin Lux

Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Jilska 1

110 00 Prague 1

Phone: +420 210 310 225

E-mail: martin.lux[at]soc.cas.cz



Mark Stephens

University of Glasgow (UK)

E-mail: mark.stephens[at]glasgow.ac.uk



Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Jilska 1

110 00  Prague 1

Phone: +420 210 310 111

Fax: +420 222 220 143

VAT number: CZ68378025
